2. August 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │02.08.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Particulate matter forecasts  + Fuel cell aeroplanes +  Raising the rainbow flag

Editor: Hannah Kreß


Raising of the rainbow flag

On Tuesday, 6 August, at 4.30 pm, we will once again raise the rainbow flag on University Square as a sign for acceptance, diversity and the right to self-determination. Everyone is cordially invited to join us.

Better traffic flow and higher air quality – with particulate matter forecasts

In a research project, TU Braunschweig is investigating the particulate matter pollution at the DLR research junction in Braunschweig and in the neighbouring urban district. The aim is to be able to predict the particulate matter dynamics and to use this data to control the traffic flow in such a way that the air quality improves.

Questionnaire for Prof. Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy

Since July 2024, Oleksandr Dobrovolskiy has been head of the Department of Cryogenic Quantum Electronics at the Institute of Electrical Measurement and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. In his answers to our questionnaire, he describes what he likes about Braunschweig and why he specialises in quantum electronics.

SE²A: Fuel cells in aviation

To make the dream of sustainable flying a reality, scientists are working on a SE²A project to improve the air management of fuel cell aeroplanes. PhD student Patrick Meyer talks about the project in an interview and answers the question of when the dream of environmentally friendly flying with fuel cells could become a reality.

Picture of the Month: Flow field measurement in the wind tunnel

The picture shows an impression of a flow field measurement using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). For the researchers at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics such flow field measurements are an indispensable means of measuring flows down to the smallest detail. This research is important, for example, in the SE²A Cluster of Excellence for Sustainable Aviation.

That was the Health Week 2024

Under the motto “wellbeing@work&study”, the Health Week from 3 to 7 June offered new impressions and impulses on the topic of health. The presentations can be watched as recordings on the website of the Health and Integration Management.

The International Entrepreneurship School …

… takes place between 30 September and 18 October. In six workshops, participants will gain valuable knowledge on the topic of entrepreneurship and founding a start-up and will be given access to the Open Innovation Academy’s self-learning platform. Students can register until 15 September.

Academy for Early Career Researchers of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

The DFG has launched the early career academy Transdisciplinary Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation –  hei_INSTRUMENTS” to promote early career researchers in the field of climate adaptation strategies. It offers 20 participants targeted training and mentoring in order to develop independent research projects and acquire third-party funding. The application deadline is 8 September.

►TU Summer Edition – Guess what!

Question: How many externally funded research projects were there at the TU as of 1 December 2023? The answer and the next estimation question will be in the next edition of  the Week

      a) 687              b) 938              c) 1123

► Guess what! – Resolution from 26 July

The correct answer is c. At 57.9 metres, BS4 at Mühlenpfordstraße 23 is the tallest TU building, half a metre higher than the Okerhochhaus at 57.4 metres. In third place is the House of Electronics at 53.4 metres. According to Wikipedia, this means that three TU Braunschweig buildings are among the eleven tallest skyscrapers in Braunschweig.

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.