11. October 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │11.10.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics: Antibodies against Marburg virus + Hydrogen expertise through puzzles + 99 top scientists

Editor: Hannah Kreß

►  Foundation stone laid for new chemistry building

A decisive step for the new chemistry building was taken on 10 October with the laying of the foundation stone. In the presence of Lower Saxony’s Science Minister, Falko Mohrs, and TU President Angela Ittel, future users and other guests celebrated the official start of the structural work for the 53 million euro research and teaching building.


… is the name of the social media campaign launched in October, mainly on Instagram, to help new students get started. The campaign uses entertaining videos, photos and quizzes to provide practical tips for students. The main welcome event will take place on 14 October at the Eintracht stadium, followed by an information fair on the central campus. We wish everyone a great start to the semester!

What is the Biotechnology at TU Braunschweig doing against Marburg viruses?

A few years ago, researchers from the Department of Medical Biotechnology, together with partners in France and the USA, developed a therapeutic agent for the treatment of Marburg virus infections. In a next step, an emergency drug could be produced under the quality conditions for therapeutics.

► Escape room brings hydrogen learning to life

The Institute for Internal Combustion Engines and Fuel Cells (ivb) is building the H2ER – Hydrogen Escape Roomfor the new bachelor course Battery and Hydrogen Technology”. Construction of the escape room started last week. In an interview, research associate Arne Graf von Schweinitz gives an insight into the planning and explains why escape rooms can promote certain skills better than conventional teaching.

Talks on cooperation with Indonesia in semiconductor research

At the end of September, a delegation led by the Indonesian Ambassador H.E. Arif Havas Oegroseno visited TU Braunschweig. The reason for the visit was to discuss opportunities for cooperation with TU Braunschweig in research, teaching and education – with a particular interest in the field of semiconductor technology.

► Conference: Gender dimensions in engineering and science

Why are gender dimensions relevant for research in engineering, life sciences and natural sciences? This question will be explored at the conference of the BMBF-funded GeDiMINT project on 8 November, based on the TU’s main research areas and specific TU research projects. You are invited to join the discussion by presenting your own research during the poster session. 

► The TU Teaching Award is back!

On 15 October at 17.30, the festive Teaching Award Ceremony will take place in the Old Main Building, Lecture Hall SN 19.1, as part of the final Studium Generale event. The awards will be given to the courses that have particularly impressed students over the past year. The award honors the outstanding work of teachers and students in the courses.

► Architecture students honoured

At the vdw Future Award, organised by the Association of the Housing Industry in Lower Saxony and Bremen, three works by student teams from the Institute of Building Design were honoured. Congratulations to Therese Fuchs, Pauline Thies, Clemens Fabian Bähr, Felix Luther, Mariam Elghazaly and Louisa Rieland!

► Poster Prizes for BRICS PhD Students

At the annual meeting of the German Society for Metabolomics Research, three doctoral students from the BRICS won a poster prize for their contributions: Birte Dowerg from the research group Cellular Metabolism and Svea Holland and Kea Mucha from the research group Metabolomics and Services. Congratulations!

► Research Services visit the British Capital

Research Services present TU Braunschweig at the Researcher Networking Night at King’s College London and the Recruiter in Residence program at Imperial College to inform young researchers about their career opportunities.

► Workshop: Beyond Instruments and Specimen

How can we tell new stories about expeditions? The Institute of History and the DFG-funded scientific network “Modern Expeditionsare hosting an English language workshop on the objects and stories of scientific expeditions on October 18 and 19 in the Neue Senatssaal. Come and listen!

► Workshop: From Service Learning to Impact Learning: Case studies, formats & formalities

The workshop on 4 November, 9-11 am, will provide information on developing courses with impact projects that contribute to social, economic and environmental sustainability. Registration by email to saskia.frank@tu-braunschweig.de.

► Best research environment 2024 wanted!

For the first time, the Junge Akademie and the Volkswagen Foundation are jointly awarding a prize for the best research environment. Ten teams will be selected to receive 10,000 euros each. The deadline for applications is 18 November.

Our 99 Darlings of the week

… from different research areas demonstrate the excellence of the scientists at TU Braunschweig. According to the Stanford/Elsevier ranking, they are among the top 2% Researchers. The ranking is an evaluation of Elsevier’s abstract and citation database for peer-reviewed literature and is based on extensive figures on publications, citations, self-citation rates and indices. Congratulations to the researchers!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.