10. May 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │10.05.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  Blazing batteries + In dialog with 30 researchers + KI4ALL

Editor: Hannah Kreß

CHE ranking: excellent student support

First-year students are in very good hands at TU Braunschweig. This is confirmed by the current CHE ranking of the six TU subjects ranked. They all landed in the top group with their advisory and support services.

Planned: An overall picture of research at TU Braunschweig

With a new research information system (FIS), TU Braunschweig will make research activities transparent and reliably accessible both internally and externally. We spoke to Ms Constanze Mittag-Buhmann and Ms Juliane Düvel from the Research Service about the introduction of the central platform.

When the battery goes up in flames

How quickly do fires spread in traction batteries with lithium-ion technology, and how can they be contained most effectively? The Institute for Building Materials, Concrete Construction and Fire Safety is investigating this in a joint project. The first experiments have now taken place at the ZeBra Centre of Fire Safety Research, and thus the first battery fire tests in the new experimental hall.

Hirschvogel Prize for best dissertation

Dr. Ann-Kathrin Brinckmann received this year’s Manfred Hirschvogel Prize for the best dissertation on Mechanical Engineering Day. She researched the manufacturing principle and future flexible manufacturing cells for robot-based incremental manufacturing at the Institute of Machine Tools and Production Engineering. Congratulations!

Salon der Wissenschaft

Four of our professors will take part in the Salon der Wissenschaft (Science Salon) on 15 May: Franziska Neumann, Markus Henke, Matthias Bücker and Matthias Tamm. A total of 30 scientists will be available for one-on-one discussions with visitors on a variety of scientific topics at the Trafo Hub. The event will be opened by an introductory discussion with our President Angela Ittel, Braunschweig’s Mayor Dr Thorsten Kornblum and Prof Folkhard Isermeyer, Chairman of the Board of ForschungRegion.

Mobile working

Based on the positive experience of the current extended regulations on mobile working, an extension beyond 30.06.2024 was agreed with the MWK.

Operational offices now under one roof

The offices of the operational technology departments of GB3, which were previously spread across four different buildings, have now moved to Abt-Jerusalem-Straße 4a. The shared accommodation in the renovated building enables shorter coordination channels to efficiently manage construction projects and ensure the operation and maintenance of the central technology in all TU buildings.

Seed Funding Call for projects with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

TU researchers can apply for the Seed Funding Programme with the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from 27 May to 21 June. The joint call is launched to support the development of new joint research and teaching projects with a maximum funding amount of up to 10,000 euros and is open to all disciplines. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. 

Impulsfonds – Internal incentives for research

The Impulsfonds is intended to support researchers at TU Braunschweig in advancing new scientific research ideas. Two of the funding lines have already been successfully implemented in 2024. With the launch of the new website for the Impulsfonds, another funding line starts for postdocs in the early scientific career phase.

Recommendations for public construction

Division 3 also participates in national committees on key documents for public buildings. Sören Zeuner, Dept. 34, contributed his expertise to the development of the AMEV recommendation on building automation, which is crucial for energy consumption. Thank you very much! 

Inaugural lectures

Professors of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will give their inaugural lectures on 14 May: Prof. Ingo Staack about Höher, weiter, schneller: Wie fliegen wir in die Zukunft? – Moderne Ansätze des Systems Engineering and on 16 May: Prof. Iordania Constantinou about “Tiny Tools, Big Discoveries: Exploring Biological Frontiers using Microtechnology.

Indo-German High-Tech Start-up Camp

From 21 to 28 May, the Entrepreneurship Hub is organising an international camp for start-ups from India and students from TU Braunschweig and Ostfalia University. Participants will get to know the regional start-up scene and can develop innovative ideas and visions.

Award for new genetic engineering approach

At this year’s Leibniz Conference on Bioactive Compounds, the Leibniz Drug of the Year 2024 award was presented to Yvonne Mast, Professor at the Institute of Microbiology and Head of the Department of Bioresources for Bioeconomy and Health Research at the Leibniz Institute DSMZ. The award-winning study describes a genetic engineering approach to the derivatisation of active ingredients.

Darling of the week

… is the KI-Toolbox. Since the beginning of May, it has given students and employees easy and anonymous access to artificial intelligence. Whether you want to solve complex tasks with a chatbot, generate images with DALL-E or translate texts with DeepL, try it out in your field of work. The opportunities and risks of using AI applications will also be critically discussed.  

Training for the KI-Toolbox

In order to support all employees in using the KI-Toolbox, the KI4ALL project is offering two training formats together with Professional and Personnel Development: Die neue KI-Toolbox – was ist es, wie funktioniert es und was kann ich damit machen? In the online event on 27.05. and 11.06. the possibilities can be tried out in practice. The face-to-face event Bilder erzeugen mit der KI-Toolbox on 18.06. shows how the image generator can be used for work. 

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig. Lectures, discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.