2. October 2024 | Magazine:

The Week at TU Braunschweig │02.10.2024 Our Newsletter for all Employees

Topics:  New double top + Press it + Architecture made of bicycles

Editor: Hannah Kreß

► Angela Ittel and Peter Middendorf lead TU9 Alliance

Since 1 October, Prof. Angela Ittel and Prof. Peter Middendorf, the new Rector of the University of Stuttgart, have been leading the TU9 Alliance as the new dual leadership. At a national level, the leadership duo will work to meet the needs of the TU9 Universities. In addition, international networking is to be further intensified.

► Office hours with the president

Would you like to discuss your concerns and ideas confidentially with the President Angela Ittel in person or in a small group? If so, please register with Karen Lehmann by 10 October for the office hours on 15 October at 14.00. 

► HyperMet investigates the connection between muscle building and metabolic health

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the new “HyperMet” research group, in which Braunschweig researchers are involved as metabolism experts. The findings from this project could enable a targeted influence on metabolism in the future and thus create a basis for new therapeutic approaches.

► Milestone for calcium-oxygen batteries

In the CaSaBatt research project, TU Braunschweig has reached an important milestone in the development of metal-oxygen batteries: the first cycles with the developed anode and cathode materials and electrolytes have been successfully tested in a laboratory-scale test cell.

► Load test for components of the future

October’s picture of the month shows a steel tube produced using the innovative 3D printing process Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) undergoing a load test. The Institute of Steel Construction is conducting the tests to understand the behaviour under tensile and compressive stress. The process could be used to produce customised components with complex geometries, complementing traditional steel construction.

► Kick-off for the CoastAdapt Science Space

The “CoastAdapt Science Space” was launched on 30 September with a kick-off meeting in the Haus der Wissenschaft under the leadership of the Leichtweiß Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources. Scientists from various disciplines from all over Lower Saxony are working together with the relevant authorities to carefully and responsibly adapt the coastal region to climate change.

Architecture made of bicycles

Bus stop or work of art? What is the filigree structure opposite the lecture theatre building on the North Campus? It was built by students and staff of the Institute of Architecture-Related Art and officially inaugurated on 1 October.

Short film evening at the hangar

A unique film and discussion evening, organised by the Arts and Science Lab in collaboration with the SE²A cluster of excellence and the Braunschweig Film Festival, offered an inspiring experience for all participants in the special ambience of the experimental hall of the Institute for Aircraft Construction and Lightweight Design (IFL).

Poster prize for pharmacy doctoral students

At the annual conference of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG), two doctoral students from Braunschweig Pharmacy, Hannah Hölterhoff from the research group of Prof. Stephan Reichl and Maria Handke from the research group of Prof. Matthias Schiedel, were awarded a poster prize for outstanding contributions. This is a great success for Braunschweig Pharmacy and underlines the research strength of our location. Many congratulations!

► The winter semester Postdoc Programme is online.

This semester we are introducing some new ideas: Webcasts on academic career planning, the Career Days, but also our usual programme with events on topics such as funding opportunities, leadership and project management.

►Training courses for the new research information system (FIS)

The FIS is due to go live on 26 November 2024. This information platform will provide an overview of research activities at TU Braunschweig  and will also be used to record third-party funding announcements. As part of this, the digital research advertisement (DiFA) will be replaced by January 2025. Existing DiFA users and newcomers can be trained for the new system from the end of October.

Darling of the week

From Monday, a number of orientation programmes for new students will start again at our university. Whether it’s a campus rally, a city tour or the welcome campaign on the TU’s Instagram profile, they all facilitate a good start to your studies. We would like to thank all the hard-working and creative organisers who make all this possible during the Welcome Week and beyond!

► Events

There is always something going on at TU Braunschweig, even during the lecture-free period. Discussions, information events, concerts and much more. Take a look at our calendar of events and get inspired.