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HEALTH4YOU Strategies for learning and working 27. July 2021 | 10:00 h - 15:00 h

Oral exams, written exams, homework and then everyday tasks. Students are extremely busy and have a great deal of assignments to deal with – especially when the exams start soon. Processing, storing and retrieving a large amount of information is pure stress for most! That is why it is particularly important to be able to concentrate over a longer period of time and to be able to block out disturbances. This training teaches you how to structure your learning material in a meaningful way and shows working and learning techniques in order to be able to acquire content faster, more precisely and over the long term. Content 1. Introduction to the topic Learning and working strategies in (digital) studies 2. Time management, speed reading, memory techniques How to successfully master the (digital) degree 3. Working techniques: challenges, obstacles Teamwork, motivation, procrastination, giving feedback 4. Prevent stress Work-life balance, tools, fitness despite the corona crisis


Dr. Branko Woischwill

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